Luke, Isaiah, and Elijah ~ that's them, my 3 sons. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would have 3 boys. Those boys have brought much joy into my life, as well as frustration, anger, and entertainment! I have found food under beds, in beds, in the bathroom and even in the bathtub. Prior to having children I used to think it was gross to see kids with dirt under their nails, fingers and toes. Then I had boys! I have found pee in places I didn't know existed, on the ceiling, in the closet, in a dresser drawer and in a Thomas the Tank drawer (the explanation for that was that it was the train wash). One of them has peed in my ear. They were an infant, mind you. Boys are just gross. Sweet, but gross. They are also health hazards. In the 9 years that we have had boys, there have been 10 ER visits, 4 hospital stays, and 2 surgeries. We have had to call poison control a few times and the fire department along with the gas company. (That one is a story for another time!) I have seen a precious birthday boy share his money so big sister didn't feel left out. I have heard my oldest son pray to receive Christ. I have also had to medicate him for ADHD and bipolar. One son sleeps with my pillow every night so he can sniff mommy all night. He is the same one that can get under my skin in 10 seconds flat! I have seen him so enamored by a beautiful lady, it left him speechless. He also, at the age of 6, still wants to be rocked and have "mommy lovies." I have seen the baby of the family radiate a room with his darling smile. With his little arms wrapped around my neck, he has proclaimed that he loves me very very very very very very very very very very very very much more than I love him! All three of them have ways at tugging at my heartstrings. There is nothing like the precious grins, freckles and hugs of my three sons!
Ahh...Karen, that is the sweetest! What an adorable picture, too! I wanted boys...but am probably thankful for just one! ha ha! They are definitely cuties...and can melt anyone's heart! Great well as Elizabeth's too...hope you're getting along with her being gone :)
Ahh...Karen, that is the sweetest! What an adorable picture, too! I wanted boys...but am probably thankful for just one! ha ha! They are definitely cuties...and can melt anyone's heart! Great well as Elizabeth's too...hope you're getting along with her being gone :)